How to Repair Leaking Metal Roof
Best Waterproofing System to Stop Leaking Roof
Liquid Membranes Ideal for Metal Roof with Contours & Profile
Why Use Spray-On Waterproofing Membrane
Case Study - Video Below
Best Waterproof Coating for Metal Roofs
Liquid Roof Coatings provide a viable long-term alternative to removing and replacing the existing roof.
Membrane technologies have produced liquid waterproofing materials that are easy to apply, non-toxic, odourless, solvent free, with seamless application and high strength and bonding characteristics.
Case Study - Video Below
Cold spray-applied membranes cure into a seamless waterproof coating that has extreme flexibility.
Liquid Membranes have extreme flexibility - up to 750%.
The roof membrane will expand and contract with temperature fluctuations and thermal cycle .
Roof Repairs Using Liquid Waterproofing Systems
Roof Coatings
Liquid roof coatings offer a seamless finish curing to a permanently elastic, seamless membrane. This is the ideal roof repair method for long term waterproofing of awkward roof details such as pipe penetrations, roof upstands and gutters.
Liquid roof systems are the perfect choice for long term protection of all common roof surfaces:
Fix Leaking Roof with Lasting Waterproofing Repair
We regularly come across deteriorated existing roof that have caused extensive damage due to water leaks.
Case Study - Video Below
Heat Reflective & Solar Roof Coatings
Liquid Roof Coatings are suitable for application of a Thermal & Insulating Top Coat.
Thermal Top Coats provide an enhanced and extremely effective protective roof surface rather than application of a conventional waterproofing membrane alone.
Elastomeric Liquid Roof Coatings
Case Study
Metal Roof Waterproofing Membrane for Shipping Container
Case Study - Video Below
Edited Video Transcript Below
We were asked to apply the Liquid Rubber system as this membrane had the special properties required: robust, UV resistant, extreme flexibility, bonds directly to the metal shipping containers and follow the contours of .
Preparation for this project involved power washing the surface thoroughly, removing any loose material. There was some remaining paint and as it was firmly bonded to the metal surface, Liquid Rubber was sprayed over the existing material.
There were box gutters installed between each shipping container, linking the roof together. These box gutters were detailed by hand individually, including air conditioning, vents and even the storm water outlets.
Once these were all detailed, the cold spray application of the Liquid Rubber membrane started.
Liquid membrane spray application is fast and efficient – this job was sprayed in the course of one day – approximately 118 sq/m.
The finished coating was approximately1.5 mm thickness overall, however with all the detailing there were areas of 2 -2.2 mm.
Liquid Rubber is highly flexible – so as these metal containers move with thermal changes, the waterproofing membrane will also move. In the summer months the shipping containers will move – expansion during the daytime heat and then contraction with the cooling down at night.
This continual expansion and contraction is one of the most devastating scenarios for most waterproofing membranes.
Many membranes do not have flexible properties and under climatic cycles will crack, leading to water leaks.
As Liquid Rubber is highly flexible and will move and work with the whole structure and building and keep it all watertight.
Liquid Rubber provides a long lasting protective water barrier for all types of flat and pitched roofs.