Video Case Study
Hi, I’m Paul Evans. I’m the managing director of Findlay Evans Waterproofing and Liquid Rubber Melbourne. We offer specialized coatings, particularly spray-applied coatings. We develop systems and procedures to carry out rectification works. We offer a wide range of remedial treatments. We use liquid applied membranes because they have a good coverage, they get into all the little nooks and crannies when we’re spraying a wall or a roof surface as opposed to a lot of conventional waterproofing membranes which tend to bridge over the critical cold joints, particularly the bottom of a wall where the wall meets the slab.
That’s a critical joint where we find leaks a lot and we’ve chosen to use liquid applied membranes because of that. There are lot of roofs, particularly around Melbourne, that we’re dealing with at the moment in the city center, where they’re flat roof, they’re quite old, they’re dilapidated. Many of them have got a screed type membrane on them, which was probably laid 50, 60 years ago. And we’re doing in spite of it at the moment which, very difficult to waterproof retrospectively because there’s an extremely high cost involved if you’re to remove the existing membrane and then start afresh.
So what we’re doing is applying a special treatment that varies for each job over the top of the existing screed and waterproofing membrane, in a lot of cases. Then we pour liquid rubber over the top of that as a membrane, which is highly flexible, foot traffickable, and we’ve actually got a thermal coating on it which most people prefer. Liquid rubber is particularly good on flat top roofs because we’re in and out quickly.
Once we’re prepared, we can spray around about a thousand square meters in a day, which is pretty massive. We can have that sprayed up, it can cure out, and it can rain the next day and it’s not a problem. Liquid rubber is particularly good on balconies because it’s highly flexible. It bonds extremely well.
The membrane is suitable for ponding water and that’s one of the crucial parts of most membranes that actually break down under constant immersion. Liquid rubber is designed to hold water permanently, so particularly in the style of buildings today, where there’s very little fall built into the balconies, liquid rubber gets applied and then it’s suitable. It’ll support water.
Findlay-Evans Waterproofing
A Waterproofing Company That Thinks Construction
Registered Building Practitioner & Certified Waterproofers
P: (03) 8812 2918