Office Complex – Springvale Rd Mulgrave Vic

Flat Concrete Roof - Remediation & Waterproofing

Wellington Rd Mulgrave Vic 3170
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Project details

At Wellington Road Mulgrave Vic 3170, efforts were in progress on the rooftop, concentrating on the detailing and getting ready for screeding. The Findlay-Evans Waterproofing crew was involved in putting on an additional layer that functions as both a bond coat and a slip sheet for the screed, taking measurements of levels throughout the site, and organizing the application of screed in varying thicknesses over distinct sections of the roof.

Detailing and Spraying

The team was detailing the outside edge and planning to spray the base coat in the afternoon.

Screeding Preparation

An extra coat was applied to act as a bond coat and slip sheet for the screed, with 25 to 50 mil screed planned across different areas.

Roof Structure

The roof has a significant belly or depression in one area, which affects the screeding process but is also handy for the skipper’s location.

Water Flow Planning

The team planned a V-shaped directional flow for water, hitting each skipper and coming back.

Additional Work

Bisley detailing was done on the feet, down low on the lower plant deck, and the area was prepared for spraying.

Air Conditioning Plant

A single inch sheet was to be placed underneath the air conditioning plant to prevent water from getting between the pavers and possibly cracking through the roof slab.

Overall Progress

The work was proceeding well, with the next steps planned and a focus on achieving a clean and beautiful finish
