Waterproof Flat Roof

How to Waterproof Concrete & Metal Roofs

Repairs to Roof Waterproofing Membranes

The consequences of a leaking roof are often extremely costly -and may involve extensive water damage to infrastructure below and sometimes to adjacent properties.

Leaking roof due to water pooling & tracking under sheet membrane.

Using Liquid Waterproofing Membranes

Roof Membranes Deteriorate Due to Various Reasons

  • Cracks may develop due to an inflexible membrane that cannot cope with the normal thermal movement of a roof surface.
  • Waterproof membrane is not UV Stable and deteriorates with age.
  • Roof membrane uses joins, seams or overlaps that de-laminate and allow water to migrate under the membrane and track along the roof surface.

Flat Concrete Roof with Severe Cracks in Existing Membrane

Case Study Video Below

Using Correct Roof Waterproofing Products

  • Conform to Roof Shape – ability to seal & waterproof around roof services & fixtures.
  • Critical for Roof Coatings – commercial & industrial roofs often have complex shapes & contours that require liquid coatings that can seal vertically and horizontally.

Careful preparation & masking of existing rooftop services.

Roof Waterproofing Systems

  • Membranes with seams and/or joins often become areas of weakness for future water leaks.
  • Waterproofing installation using heat and/ or fumes have the potential to damage infrastructure, wiring and creates OH&S issues.
  • Equipment & methods need to be suitable for confined spaces, elevated surfaces and portable for roof repairs.
  • Roof repair may require structural knowledge & construction experience.
  • Repairs methods, waterproof products used need to be appropriate for each project.

A waterproofing company that thinks CONSTRUCTION

Registered Building Practitioners: Findlay-Evans Waterproofing have constructionExperienced waterproofing specialists providing full service of membrane installation and application for commercial roof type & condition.

Read Our Client Testimonials HERE

Roof Waterproofing Systems

Case Study Video Below

Liquid Applied Membranes

Waterproofing Company – Melbourne

Case Study Video Below

Specialist Waterproofers & Registered Builders

F.E.W WATERPROOFING provide the construction industry with specialist waterproofing applications for the commercial & industrial sectors.We have over 30 years construction experience, are Registered Builders and experts applicators for cold spray-applied Liquid Waterproofing Membranes.Waterproofing membranes for rooftops require unique capabilities. Over the years we have encountered numerous problems with traditional waterproofing products and methods i.e sheet and Torch On membranes.However we have found the ultimate waterproofing product for roofs – spray applied Liquid Applied Membranes.

Liquid membrane contours to shape.

