Video Case Study
Commercial building
Hello this is Paul, Findlay-Evans Waterproofing. Just here today to show you another job that we’ve recently completed. This job is a commercial building with a number of different balconies. This job was approximately 8 years old when the tiles started lifting and erupting of the surface. There’s great amount of calcification coming through the joints in the tiles. So there was great evidence that there were problems below. The original membrane was laid on the flat surface of the slab, then the screed was applied over the top of the membrane.
Retaining original screeds
There’s a shot here showing inspection of the original membrane below. The screed above it proved to be in reasonable order. Some parts were a bit lousy so we had to fix that but those were only small areas. So we retained the original screed in this case and the membrane under was working as a secondary barrier. We screeded up areas that were low and had poor drainage to the outlet points. Those outlets needed some extra plumbing works done. So we installed new puddle flanges to make sure the water control was being directed down the pipes.
Installing Liquid Applied Membrane
Once in place we moved ahead putting a new membrane. This was carefully detailed specifically in certain areas. Then we went ahead and laid our Liquid Rubber membrane introducing an inter-layer of fiberglass mesh to give it some toughness.
That was then over coated with Thermo top Coat giving it a bit more robustness and durability.
Then balconies were tiled while our team kept on working with the tilers to finish off the job.
This job had many facets of water ingress areas which we fixed.
Findlay-Evans Waterproofing
A Waterproofing Company That Thinks Construction
Registered Building Practitioner & Certified Waterproofers
P: (03) 8812 2918